We are excited to begin our 10th year of CanDo’s Give!Guide Napa Valley. CanDo’s Give!Guide began in 2013 when a CanDo volunteer, Amy Garden, while visiting Portland, Oregon, brought back a copy of something called the Oregon Give!Guide which was raising funds for local nonprofits. We loved the idea, it was a perfect fit for CanDo! With the mentorship of the founder in Oregon, a group from LNV, and a team of CanDo volunteers, the project began. In the past nine years the Guide has raised over $4 million for 135 local nonprofits. We hope this anniversary year is our best ever! If you would like to be in this year’s edition, you must be a 501(c)3 for two years and serve Napa Valley. Someone from your organization must attend one of two orientation meetings in order to apply. The meetings will be held on Zoom, June 22 and June 30, 11:00 to 12:30. If you are interested in attending the links for the meetings are on our website, CanDoGiveGuide.org. We would like to see new nonprofits that haven’t been in the Guide before participate in this special edition. If you participate you will see both a monetary benefit as well as community exposure.