Santa Rosa Turkey Trot is a family-friendly 5k. The biggest running day of the year, this Thanksgiving Day Turkey Trot is organized specifically to support downtown Santa Rosa. With community service at its core, the Santa Rosa Turkey Trot is fundraising for Redwood Empire Food Bank, with a goal of raising $10,000 for the non-profit organization.
Registration includes:
Fast Turkey or Turkey Trot: ADULT: $40, YOUTH (6-16): $30. The Fast Turkey is a 5k for those who can finish the race in under 24 minutes. The Turkey Trot is a Festivus for the rest of us and can be completed at your own pace.
Turkey Trot – YOUTH (5 or under): children under 5 are invited to join in on the fun free of charge.
Virtual Turkey Trot or ULTRA Turkey Trot – ALL AGES: $30; runners of all ages are invited to join the race virtually. Participants can run the 5k at their own pace or join the ULTRA Turkey Trot to see how many miles they can run over the course of the holiday weekend.
Register today at:
Santa Rosa Turkey Trot is a Scena Performance event.